John Seller Educational Foundation Trust

This ancient trust was founded on 23rd December 1779 for the education of poor children in Christleton and Littleton. It was originally to provide instruction in reading, English, writing, arithmetic and for spinning, sewing and knitting. Today, it provides grants for children in Christleton, Littleton and Rowton for education purposes. A snapshot of its fascinating history follows, and details of how to apply for a grant are at the end of this page.

You are about to read about a rather interesting character called John Seller who lived during the 1700's, and whose legacy lives on to this day in Christleton and still benefitting young people in 2025. In today's terminolgy he would perhaps have been referred to as a local philanthropist. If we can just for a minute set the scene from 1775 to 1783 was the American War of Independence,  and George III was King of Great Britain and Ireland between 1760 to 1811. So, Britain and much of Europe were facing some dark times ahead with war.  Much of our local area would not have been as built up as as we know it today. People who were living in the villages around such as Christleton, Littleton, and Rowton and the rest of the Parish as we know it today would have found life to be a far tougher, dangerous and exposed rural existence.

Timeline of the John Seller Educational Foundation


The Trust was founded on 23rd December 1779 for the education of poor children in Christleton & Littleton. The boys were taught reading, writing, English & arithmetic. The girls were taught reading, writing, spinning, sewing, knitting, and other manual work. Originally there were 10 boys and 10 girls but by 1840 there were 70 boys and 60 girls.

The land that was donated was Lower Wych Way Field on Plough Lane and a piece of ground adjoining the churchyard also known as the Garden by the churchyard or The Sellers Charity Land.


In 1802 it was decided that the Garden should be used for the School House.


The Trust was extended by deed to include the children of Rowton in 1805 by John Hignett of Rowton who donated a further £100.


George Mayers is said to have been the schoolmaster for 40 years and occupied the School House in Pepper Street. He first appears in the minute book on 25th March 1835 and was paid 2 quarters schooling for 10 boys the sum of £2.0s.0d.

First photo believed to be of Schoolmaster George Mayers (Photo credit: The  John Seller Trust)

Second image is J Seller's Minute Book, 1779 (Photo credit: The John Seller Trust)


Schoolmaster George Mayers
J Seller's Minute Book 1779

1846 & 1873

The initial building in the churchyyard was extended in 1846 and again in 1873.


In 1885 the Churchyard Garden was sold to the church for £250. The £250 formed the nucleus of the fund for building the Boys School in 1885 on the site of the Ring O'Bells beer house at a cost of £1800. (This is now the Parish Hall)

In the minutes it states that the sale of the land was an unauthorised arrangement. The Trustees agreed to ask the Charity Commission to sanction the sale, which they did. However, the improvement in the appearance of the Churchyard and village by the removal of the old school and the addition of its site and the garden to the Churchyard was unanimously admitted, and further, it was considered that the building of the present school in its present position meant that Mr Seller's intentions had been carried out most effectively.


In 1886 the new Boys School opened.


In 1907 the Trustees accepted the New Scheme that is public education. This changed the remit of the Trust and an extract states the new role of the Trust as follows:

School Library: provision at any school in the Parish of Christleton or Littleton of books or fittings for a school library, or apparatus suitable for observation lessons or nature study

John Seller Schoolroom
John Seller Schoolroom (Image source: John Seller Trust)


The Trustees were informed in 1968 by letter from the Legal Department of Education and Science an updated remit as follows:

The Secretary of State would not object if the income were applied in present day circumstances in making awards to Parish Associations such as the Youth Club, Scouts, Dramatic Society, playing fields and like organisations of an educational character in the Parish.


On 15th February 2006 the SP Manweb wayleave was agreed and the sale of 46 sq metres of land to the County Council for a footpath for the sum of £400.


The original minute book is still being used to record the minutes of the Trustee meetings to this day.

We are at present supporting the Christleton Village Show and some school residential trips but have in the past given grants to the Guides, Scouts and Brownies.

Any individual or group who live or are based in Christleton, Rowton or Littleton wishing to be considered for a grant should apply to the Clerk, in writing or email.

P Pratt, 7 Little Mere, Christleton, CH3 7AA


John Seller Educational Foundation Trust UK Registered Charity No.525819


Page from J Seller's minute book
Sample from John Seller's Minute book (Photo Credit: John Seller Trust)


St James' Church

Pepper Street
Tel: 07487642912
UK Registered Charity No: 1133992