Opening Hours & Accessibility

We are open ALL day & everyday to those of ALL & no denominations from 9.30am until 5pm all year round.

No matter who you are,  everyone is most welcome to come in for quiet contemplation or for that special moment of private prayer or even just to have a wonder around our beautiful church.

Do please have a look at the wide selection of leaflets at the back of the church for you to look at or take away. They can be found on the table on the right  as you walk into the church. The leaflets range from the Cheshire Foodbank to Christian Aid, monthly news-sheets detailing forthcoming services & events at St James' Church.

Do also keep up-to-date using our popular online blog/community magazine. It has all the latest news, discussions and lots more besides simply by clicking on this: 

There are also links via "Latest News" which you will find  along the navigation list at the top of the screen and just below on the left under "Your St James' links" in the  footer area!



St James' Church

Pepper Street
Tel: 07487642912
UK Registered Charity No: 1133992